
This initiative is a product of years of intensive personal investigation and sacrifice by Mr. Adewale Oladosu, a Nigerian Footballer, Professional Football Coach and Founder of NoDFoot Africa on the need to improve on the quality of Football in the field of play and provide more sustainable development initiative on Education, Technology, Innovation and Mentorship for under privilege children living in remote African communities, and enable them to have a new lease of life. NoDFoot Africa, is also known to nod out poverty from Africa. Football is a critical tool to address the issue of poverty in most homes in Nigeria.​

NodFoot Africa is committed to changing the narrative of Sporting activities in Nigeria and by extension Africa, with a view to assisting our army of talented youths, by adequately harnessing their potential through Sports for the development of Africa.


Your skill will make a room for you. We are creating the room in football for the less privileged.

Our Mission

  • Empower the youths through Football to achieve sustainable future for Sports in Nigeria.
  • Encourage synergy amongst African nations to achieve excellence in Sports/Football
  • Eliminate violence in Sports through consistent sensitization of Sports Supporters Club and enthusiasts.

Our Vision

  • To propagate African Sports values
  • Promote grass root Sports amongst the youths in Nigeria
  • Serve as vehicle for Socio-Economic development of Africa through grassroots youth football.

We Need Your Support Today!

Contact Us

@ Suite B80Murg Shopping Mall, Area 10, Garki, Abuja.


Phone: Tel: +234 703 322 3446, +234 916 784 9438




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